Short description
Satao Camp, Tsavo East National Park
In pictures
Located within the Tsavo East National Park and nestled amongst trees and surrounding a central water-hole, the semi-circular layout of the camp provides an excellent viewing point of the surrounding savannahs. Satao Camp has 20 tents, all en-suite, thoughtfully positioned to ensure a full view of the camps own watering hole. Tsavo East & West National Parks occupy 21,000 square kilometers, the Tsavo East Park is a total of 11,747 sq km. It is one of Kenya’s oldest and largest National Parks: covering approx. 40 per cent of the total area of all Kenya’s National Parks.
Its beautiful landscape and proximity to the coast make it a popular safari destination. It is accredited as one of the world’s leading biodiversity strongholds, with endless bushy grassland and open plains alternate with semi-arid acacia scrub and woodlands, the Galana river banks give rise to lush vegetation.
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